
雅思2024-01-13 21:28:03留学之路

vt. 使……合理化;使……有理化;为……找借口
vi. 实行合理化;作辩解;合理地思考

rationalize 基本解释
vt. 使合理化;据理解释;使消根;文饰

速记技巧 词源记忆法 来自rational,合理的,经过思考的,-ize,使,化。


cut slash cut back scale back rationalize downsize These words all mean to reduce the amount or size of sth, especially of an amount of money or a business. 以上各词均含减少、缩小之义,尤指削减经费、缩减生意。 cut to reduce sth, especially an amount of money that is demanded, spent, earned, etc. or the size of a business 指削减、缩减、裁减(尤指经费、开支、收入或生意规模): The President has promised to cut taxes significantly. 总统承诺大幅度减税。 Buyers will bargain hard to cut the cost of the house they want. 买主会竭力讨价还价以压低他们想买的房子的价格。 His salary has been cut by ten per cent. 他的薪金减少了百分之十。 Could you cut your essay from 5 000 to 3 000 words? 请把你的文章从5 000字删减至3 000字好吗? slash [often passive] ( rather informal ) (often used in newspapers) to reduce sth by a large amount (常用于报章)指大幅度削减、大大降低: The workforce has been slashed by half. 职工人数裁减了一半。 cut sth back/cut back on sth to reduce sth, especially an amount of money or business 指削减、缩减、裁减(尤指经费或生意): We had to cut back production. 我们只得减产。 scale sth back ( especially NAmE or business ) to reduce sth, especially an amount of money or business 指削减、缩减、裁减(尤指经费或生意): The IMF has scaled back its growth forecasts for the next decade. 国际货币基金组织已经调低对未来十年的增长预测。 rationalize ( BrE , business ) to make changes to a business or system, in order to make it more efficient, especially by spending less money 指对企业或制度进行合理化改革,使合理化、使有经济效益 downsize ( business ) to make a company or organization smaller by reducing the number of jobs in it, in order to reduce costs 指公司或机构精简人员以降低成本。 注释 Downsize is often used by people who want to avoid saying more obvious words like ‘dismiss’ or ‘make redundant’ because they sound too negative. 人们通常使用downsize以避免使用dismiss或make redundant等词义明显的词,因为这些词听起来过于负面。 scale sth down to reduce the number, size or extent of sth 指减少(数量)、缩小(规模或范围): We are scaling down our training p
rationalize 变化形式
第三人称单数: rationalizes
过去式: rationalized
过去分词: rationalized
现在分词: rationalizing

中文词源: rationalize 使合理化,解释 来自 rational,合理的,经过思考的,-ize,使,化。 rationalize
1、 Theyˈre smart and so they rationalize what theyˈre doing.

Beijing should also strengthen urban land management to rationalize the location of commercial activities and housing development .
Their brains were apparently too busy to rationalize their selfishness , so they fell back on their intuitive feelings about fairness .
We would rather justify , rationalize , explain and blame someone or something for our obesity , than take complete responsibility for our fat selves .
Many people routinely deceive themselves to rationalize dishonest behavior .
Sometimes it can be difficult to separate the two types of fear because ego-fear will rationalize itself as healthy fear , e.g. " I don 't want to talk to that stranger because they could attack me , or waste my time . "



