phr. 消除;分解;打破
break down基本解释
break down的用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Cellulose is hard to break down .
- 纤维素是很难分解的。
- People with low incomes and education differ in many respects from others such as their greater tendency to buy older used cars that are more likely to break down . No one would suggest they do this out of ignorance rather than from the con
- 低收入和低教育程度人士在许多方面都与他人不同,例如他们更倾向于买容易抛锚的老旧二手车,没人会假设他们这么做是出于无知,而非受限于自身的低收入。
- Never use hydrogen peroxide because it can break down newly formed tissue .
- 千万不要使用双氧水清洗,因为它会损坏新生成的组织。
- They actively break down fat compounds and lipids .
- 它们活跃地分解脂肪化合物和类脂。
- I said to the little friend no one can break down a country and only the system of the country can bring down the country .
- 我对这位小朋友说:没有一个人能搞垮一个国家,能搞垮一个国家的,只有这个国家的制度本身。
- They also help the body break down collagen in skin production .
- 他们还有助于分解肌肤新陈代谢中产生的胶原质。
- Last month for example colgate refused to break down guidance by region for the first time in at least 13 years in its quarterly results .
- 以高露洁(colgate)为例,该公司上月拒绝按地区划分指导性目标这在它发布季报的至少13年历史中尚属首次。
- This pattern seemed to break down last friday after the us employment report .
- 在上周五的美国就业数据发布之后,这一格局似乎被打破。
- In particular they hope to break down the collective defence against antibiotics .
- 换而言之,化学家们希望打破病原体针对抗生素的联合防御。
- As national politics turned ugly european co-operation would break down .
- 作为国家政治变丑陋,欧洲的合作将崩溃。