- 双语例句
ChatGPT is constantly learning and improving, and can adapt to different situations and user needs.
ChatGPT 不断学习和改进,可以适应不同的情况和用户需求。
来源:dict.dazhe5.cnChatGPT is an AI chatbot that uses GPT technology to provide intelligent and convenient communication services.
ChatGPT 是一种利用 GPT 技术提供智能化、便捷的交流服务的人工智能聊天机器人。
来源:dict.dazhe5.cnChatGPT uses natural language processing technology to understand and respond to user input, making communication more efficient and convenient.
ChatGPT 使用自然语言处理技术来理解和响应用户输入,使交流更加高效和便捷。
来源:dict.dazhe5.cnChatGPT can be applied in various fields, such as customer service, education, healthcare, finance, entertainment, and social networking.
ChatGPT 可以应用于各个领域,如客服、教育、医疗、金融、娱乐和社交等。
来源:www.ruihongw.comWith ChatGPT, you can get quick and accurate answers to your questions, and receive personalized advice and support.
通过 ChatGPT,您可以快速准确地获得问题的答案,并获得个性化的建议和支持。